Website Regulations
- General Provisions
- Definitions
- Type and scope of electronic services
- Terms and conditions of provision and conclusion of electronic services contracts
- Terms and conditions of termination of electronic services contracts
- Complaint procedure
- Intellectual property
- Final Provisions
- The Webpage operates on the basis of principles defined herein.
- These Regulations define the types and scope of services provided electronically by Webpage, terms and conditions of these services provision, terms and conditions of conclusion and termination of electronic services contracts, and complaint procedure.
- Every Service Recipient, upon taking any activities aiming at the use of electronic services on Website, is obliged to comply with the provisions hereof.
- In all matters not settled herein, the provisions of the following legal acts shall apply:
- Act on Provision of Electronic Services of 18 July 2002 (Dz. U. [Polish Journal of Laws] of 144, item 1204, as amended);
- Act on Consumer Rights of 30 May 2014 (Dz. U. No. 2014, item 827);
- Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964 (Dz. U. No. 16, item 93, as amended) and other relevant provisions of the Polish law.
- CONTACT FORM – the form available on Website allowing the Service Recipient to contact the Service Provider directly.
- REGULATIONS – these Website Regulations.
- SERVICE PROVIDER – Daniel Sobczyk performing a business activity under the business name LAFER PRO Daniel Sobczyk, registered office address: 57-300 Kłodzko, ul. Zajęcza 4, delivery address: as above, NIP [Tax ID no.]: 8871584652, REGON [National Business Registry No.]: 891544862, entered into the Central Registration and Information on Business, electronic mail address:, phone no. +48 74 810 83 41.
- SERVICE RECIPIENT – a natural person, a legal person or an organisational unit without legal capacity which has awarded legal capacity under the law, using an Electronic Service.
- ELECTRONIC SERVICE – a service rendered electronically by the Service Provider to the Service Recipient via the Website.
- NEWSLETTER – Electronic Service allowing the Service Recipient to subscribe and receive free information from the Service Provider to the email address specified by the Service Recipient.
- The Service Provider gives the possibility to use the following Electronic Services via the Website:
- the Contact Form;
- the Newsletter.
- The Electronic Services are provided to the Service Recipient on the terms and conditions described in these Regulations.
- The Service Provider gives the possibility to use the following Electronic Services via the Website:
- The Electronic Services specified in chapter III section 1 of the Regulations are provided by the Service Provider free of charge.
- Period for which the contract is concluded:
- the contract for the provision of Electronic Service consisting in giving the possibility to send a message via the Contact Form is concluded for a definite period of time and shall be terminated when the message is sent or when the Service Recipient stops to send it;
- the contract for the provision of Electronic Service consisting in subscribing the Newsletter is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
- Technical requirements necessary to cooperate with the tele-information system used by the Service Provider:
- computer with the access to the Internet;
- access to the electronic mail;
- web browser;
- activating cookies and JavaScript in the web browser.
- The Service Recipient is obliged to use the Website in accordance with the law and good practice, considering the respect for personal rights and intellectual property rights of third parties.
- The Service Recipient is obliged to enter data consistent with the facts.
- The Service Recipient is not allowed to provide illegal contents.
- Termination of a contract for the provision of an Electronic Service:
- Termination applies to the contract for the provision of an Electronic Service of continuous or indefinite nature (i.e. Newsletter).
- The Service Recipient may terminate the contract with immediate effect and without stating the causes thereof, by sending an appropriate statement via electronic mail to the address:
- The Service Provider may terminate the contract for the provision of an Electronic Service of continuous or indefinite nature if the Service Recipient breaches the Regulations, in particular provides contents that is unlawful, having been previously ineffectively requested to discontinue the breaches within a specified deadline. In such case the contract shall expire after 7 days of making a declaration of will concerning its termination (notice period).
- The termination leads to the cessation of a legal relation with effect for the future.
- The Service Provider and the Service Recipient may terminate the contract for the provision of an Electronic Service at any time by mutual agreement of the parties.
- Termination of a contract for the provision of an Electronic Service:
- Complaints related to the provision of Electronic Services by the Service Provider:
- Complaints related to the provision of Electronic Services via the Website may be lodged by the Service Recipient via electronic mail to the address:
- The above email should include as much information and circumstances concerning the subject of the complaint as possible, in particular the type and date of irregularities occurrence and contact details. The information provided will considerably facilitate and expedite the complaint handling by the Service Provider.
- Handling the complaint by the Service Provider shall be effected immediately, no later than within 14 days.
- The Service Provider’s reply to the complaint is sent to the Service Recipient’s email address specified in the complaint form or in another way chosen by the Service Recipient.
- Complaints related to the provision of Electronic Services by the Service Provider:
- All contents placed on the website at the address are covered by copyright protection and constitute the property of The Service Recipient shall bear full liability for any damage caused to the Service Provider which is the consequence of the use of any part of contents on website without the consent of the Service Provider.
- Any use by any person without an express written consent of the Service Provider of any part of the text and contents on website constitutes a breach of copyright vested in the Service Provider and results in civil, legal and criminal liability.
- Contracts concluded via the Website are concluded according to the Polish law.
- In case of inconsistency of any part of the Regulations with applicable law, relevant provisions of the Polish law shall replace the contested provision of the Regulations.